Billy Paccione's (bpaccione) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Covenant Mortgage
As rates continue to push down to under 5% it is very important to make all of our business partners and clients aware of this. Don't take for granted that all of your database is aware of this. Just yesterday I spoke with a prior client, a current client and even a ex co-worker of mine. They all...
This headline is always going to grab attention. I wanted to share an idea that I have used and is worked well for me. I have hooked up with local gas station to offer a pre-determined amount of clients 10 cents off a gallon a gas up to 20 gallons. Well quick math with let you know that is at max...
Today is customer appreciation day wait everyday is customer appreciation day. I am heading out this afternoon to a closing for a client who is refinancing her home. Most people in my business think I'm crazy for doing so or think that their time is to valuable to spend at a closing for a refinan...
With the passing of the recent housing bill away goes the DPA. I am sure that many if not all the people that frequent this site are aware of this but some may not realize that most banks and lenders are pulling it before the October 1st deadline as outlined in the housing bill. It is very import...

Billy Paccione

local_phone(770) 495-2800
smartphone(678) 367-7461
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