Dyersburg Tennessee Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Carousel Realty of Dyer County - Tn 248435000
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I have a close friend name Chuck Walden who was a brother in Christ and a member of the church where I attend. About 3 years ago chuck told us in our small mens class that his white blood count was elevated on his routine blood work.Just about 16 months ago Chuck underwent a bone marrow transplan...

Mike Frazier

Northwest Tennessee Realtor
local_phone(731) 285-2277
smartphone(731) 589-7841
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The purpose of this blog will be to discuss the market conditions in the Dyersburg Tennessee area of west Tennessee. There will lots of useful information for buyers, sellers, bankers and other users of Dyersburg real estate information. I will also often quote other professionals. Follow MikeFrazier-Dyersburg homes on Twitter