top five realtors in ventura county: Ventura County Home Sales Expected to Increase Nicely in 2018 - 09/19/17 08:34 AM
#ChrisBJohnsonRealtor  Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and The Mortgage Bankers Association are all projecting that home sales will increase in 2018. Here is a chart showing what each entity is projecting in sales for the remainder of this year and the next.

As we can see, each entity is projecting sizable increases in home sales next year. If you have considered selling … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 5 razones para vender este otoño - 09/18/17 07:54 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
5 razones para vender este otoño  18 18UTC septiembre 18UTC 2017  For Buyers, For Sellers, Move-Up Buyers   Aquí están las cinco razones por las que poner su casa para la venta este otoño tiene sentido.
La demanda está fuerte El último Informe del tránsito de los compradores de la Asociación Nacional de Realtors (NAR por sus siglas en inglés) muestra que la … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 5 Reasons to Sell Your Ventura County Home This Fall #TimeToSell - 09/18/17 07:43 AM
Here are five reasons listing your home for sale this fall makes sense.
1. Demand Is Strong The latest Buyer Traffic Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that buyer demand remains very strong throughout the vast majority of the country. These buyers are ready, willing, and able to purchase… and are in the market right now! More often than not, multiple buyers are competing with each other to buy a home.
Take advantage of the buyer activity currently in the market.
2. There Is Less Competition Now Housing inventory is still under the 6-month supply that is needed for a normal housing market.
This means … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 14,904 casas se vendieron ayer… ¿se vendió la suya? - 09/17/17 11:46 AM
14,904 casas se vendieron ayer… ¿se vendió la suya?  04 04UTC septiembre 04UTC 2017  For Sellers, Move-Up Buyers, Pricing   Hay algunos propietarios de casas que han estado esperando pacientemente para obtener el precio que ellos esperaban, cuando pusieron su casa para la venta originalmente. Algo que estos propietarios de casa tal vez deban tener en cuenta es el hecho que, si su casa no se ha vendido aún, tal vez no tiene el precio correcto.
Después de todo, 14,904 casas se vendieron ayer, 14,904 se van a vender hoy y 14,904 se venderán mañana. 14,904! Este es el promedio de casas que se … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 14,904 Homes Sold Yesterday…Was your Ventura County Home One of Them? - 09/17/17 11:29 AM
There are some homeowners who are patiently waiting to get the price they hoped for when they originally listed their houses for sale. Something these homeowners might want to take into consideration is the fact that if their homes haven’t sold yet, maybe they’re not priced properly.
After all, 14,904 houses sold yesterday, 14,904 will sell today, and 14,904 will sell tomorrow. 14,904! This is the average number of homes that sell each and every day in this country, according to the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) latest Existing Home Sales Report.NAR reported that sales are at an annual rate of 5.44 million. Divide that number by 365 … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 5 razones principales por las que los ‘millennials’ eligen comprar - 09/15/17 09:54 AM
Algunos aspectos destacados “La mayoría de los ‘millennials’ dijeron que ellos consideran el ser propietarios de una vivienda más sensato que alquilar tanto por razones financieras como de estilo de vida – incluyendo el control del espacio vital, flexibilidad en las decisiones futuras, privacidad y seguridad, y vivir en una casa mejor”. La razón principal por la que los ‘millennials’ eligen comprar es para tener control sobre su espacio vital con el 93 %. Muchos ‘millennials’ que alquilaban una casa o un apartamento antes de comprar su casa propia, soñaban con el día que ellos podrían pintar las paredes de … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Top 5 Reasons Why Ventura County Millennials Choose to Buy A Home - 09/15/17 09:40 AM
Some Highlights: “The majority of millennials said they consider owning a home more sensible than renting for both financial and lifestyle reasons — including control of living space, flexibility in future decisions, privacy and security, and living in a nice home.” The top reason millennials choose to buy is to have control over their living space, at 93%. Many millennials who rent a home or apartment prior to buying their own homes dream of the day that they will be able to paint the walls whatever color they'd like, or renovate an outdated part of their living space.  
« Report: Homeownership Is … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Ventura Report: Homeownership Is a Precondition of the American Dream - 09/14/17 10:19 PM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
Hearth just released their 2017 State of the American Dream report which showed that Americans still see homeownership as an integral piece of the American Dream. The report confirmed that “all generations–including millennials–agree homeownership is very important to achieving the American Dream.”
Americans ranked “owning a home I love” higher than any other options (including “starting a family” and “finding a fulfilling career”) … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Propietario de casa feliz para siempre - 09/13/17 09:08 AM
Propietario de casa feliz para siempre  13 13UTC septiembre 13UTC 2017  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers   Una vez más las parejas casadas dominaron las estadísticas de los compradores de casa por primera vez el año pasado, con un 66 % de todos los compradores, según el Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers (Perfil de los compradores y vendedores de casa). No sorprende que tener dos ingresos para ahorrar el pago inicial y contribuir para los gastos de vivienda mensuales hace que comprar una casa sea más alcanzable.
Muchas parejas están decidiendo utilizar, lo que de lo contrario podrían ser los fondos de boda, … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Ventura County 1st Time Home Buyers, Happily Ever Homeowner #TimeToBuy - 09/13/17 08:42 AM
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
Married couples once again dominated the first-time homebuyer statistics last year at 66% of all buyers, according to the most recent Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers. It is no surprise that having two incomes to save for down payments and contribute to monthly housing costs makes buying a home more attainable.
Many couples are deciding to use … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: ¿Buscando por la casa de sus sueños? Sabe lo que quiere vs. lo que necesita - 09/12/17 11:23 AM
¿Buscando por la casa de sus sueños? Sabe lo que quiere vs. lo que necesita  12 12UTC septiembre 12UTC 2017  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers   En esta era de poder comprar cualquier cosa en cualquier lugar, es realmente importante saber lo que usted está buscando cuando comience la búsqueda de su casa.
Si usted ha estado pensando en comprar una casa por algún tiempo, probablemente ha elaborado una lista de cosas que le encantaría tener en su casa nueva. Muchos compradores de casa nuevos fantasean acerca de los servicios que ellos han visto en la televisión o Pinterest, y empiezan a mirar … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Looking for Your Dream Home? Know What You Want vs. What You Need - 09/12/17 08:24 AM
In this day and age of being able to shop for anything anywhere, it is really important to know what you’re looking for when you start your home search.
If you’ve been thinking about buying a home of your own for some time now, you’ve probably come up with a list of things that you’d LOVE to have in your new home. Many new homebuyers fantasize about the amenities that they see on television or Pinterest, and start looking at the countless homes listed for sale through rose-colored glasses.
Do you really need that farmhouse sink in the kitchen to be happy with … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: ¡4 razones para comprar una casa este otoño! - 09/11/17 08:40 AM
¡4 razones para comprar una casa este otoño!  11 11UTC septiembre 11UTC 2017  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Move-Up Buyers   Aquí hay cuatro buenas razones que considerar al comprar una casa hoy en vez de esperar.
Los precios seguirán en aumento El ultimo índice de los precios de las casas de CoreLogic informó que los precios de las casas han apreciado 6.7 % durante los últimos 12 meses. El mismo informe predice que los precios continuaran aumentando en una tasa del 5.0 % durante el próximo año.
El tocar fondo de los precios de las casas ya pasó. El valor de las casas va a continuar … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: The Housing Crisis, Is there a Ventura County Housing Bubble - 09/10/17 10:09 PM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
The current environment for housing in California is being routinely referred to as a crisis. Many consider it a bubble and anticipate the possibility of another crash.
For California, the “housing crisis” is a direct consequence of the state’s economic boom. And 30 years of resistance to housing development has resulted in an onerous environment for the creation of … (11 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: 5 razones A+ para contratar un profesional en bienes raíces - 09/02/17 08:22 AM
Algunos puntos destacados: ¡Contratar un profesional en bienes raíces para comprar la casa de sus sueños, o vender su casa actual, es una de las decisiones más ‘educada” que usted puede tomar! Un profesional en bienes raíces tiene la experiencia necesaria para ayudarlo a través de todo el proceso. ¡Asegúrese de contratar alguien que entienda las condiciones del mercado actual & puede simple y efectivamente explicarlas a usted y su familia!
You might also enjoy reading... Why Is It Important to Use a Professional to Sell Your Home? 58% of Homeowners See a Drop in Home Values Coming Sellers: Your … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: ¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los precios de las casas en los próximos 5 años? - 08/29/17 01:21 PM
¿Hacia dónde se dirigen los precios de las casas en los próximos 5 años?  29 29UTC agosto 29UTC 2017  First Time Home Buyers, For Buyers, Housing Market Updates,Move-Up Buyers, Pricing   Hoy, muchas conversaciones de bienes raíces se centran en los precios de la vivienda y hacia donde se dirigen. Por eso nos gusta la ‘Home Price Expectation Survey’ (la encuesta de las expectativas de los precios de las casas).
Cada trimestre, Pulsenomics encuesta a un panel nacional de más de cien economistas, expertos en bienes raíces, estrategas de inversión & mercadeo sobre hacia donde se dirigen los precios durante los próximos cinco años; Entonces ellos sacan un … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Where Are Ventura County Home Prices Heading in The Next 5 Years? - 08/29/17 01:12 PM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
Today, many real estate conversations center on housing prices and where they may be headed. That is why we like the Home Price Expectation Survey.
Every quarter, Pulsenomics surveys a nationwide panel of over one hundred economists, real estate experts, and investment & market strategists about where they believe prices are headed over the next five years. They then average … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Why Disqualify Yourself, 52% of Loans Have A FICO® Score Under 750 - 08/28/17 08:29 AM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home.
The results of countless studies have shown that potential home buyers, and even current homeowners, have an inflated view of what is really required to qualify for a mortgage in today’s market.
One such study by the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvaniarevealed that many millennials have not yet considered purchasing homes simply because they don’t believe … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: Más compradores bumerán a punto de entrar al mercado - 08/27/17 08:21 PM
Más compradores bumerán a punto de entrar al mercado  22 22UTC agosto 22UTC 2017  For Buyers, Housing Market Updates   Anteriormente nosotros informamos sobre un estudio realizado por TransUnion titulado “The Bubble, the Burst and Now – What Happened to the Consumer?” el estudio reveló que 1.5 millones de propietarios de casa que fueron afectados negativamente por la crisis de la vivienda podrían volver al mercado de la vivienda entre 2016-2019.
Recientemente, Housing Wire analizó datos de las cortes de bancarrota de los Estados Unidos y reveló que 6 millones de estadounidenses tendrán la bancarrota desapareciendo de sus informes de crédito durante los próximos cinco años y como ellos mencionaron, esto podría “posiblemente … (0 comments)

top five realtors in ventura county: More Boomerang Buyers Are about to Enter the Ventura County Market - 08/27/17 08:13 PM
#TimeToSell #ChrisBJohnsonRealtor 
Your home is probably the biggest asset you own. This is why you should hire a professional to guide you through all your real estate transactions. My goal is to help 24 to 28 families each year either buy or sell a home. I am NOT interested in Selling 100 or 200 homes a year because I would not be able to give each family the time, attention and energy they deserve. I would also lose touch with my past clients and would not be available to help where needed. I take pride in working personally and individually with each of … (0 comments)

Chris B Johnson REALTOR®, 5 Star Rated REALTOR® Quality, Not Quantity (Allison James Elite)

Chris B Johnson REALTOR®

5 Star Rated REALTOR® Quality, Not Quantity

Moorpark, CA

More about me…

Allison James Elite

Address: 587 W. LOS ANGELES AVENUE, Moorpark, California, 93021

Mobile: 805.208.0823




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