
Expanded Tax Credit is Good News for First Time and Repeat Home Buyers Alike! Home sellers and potential buyers nationwide welcomed the recent news that Congress had decided to extend and greatly expand the Home Buyer's tax credit in an attempt to further stimulate the economy. Not only does the...
Illinois posted the third highest state total after California and Florida, with 19,946 properties receiving a foreclosure filing in October 2009—a 56% spike from the previous month and the highest monthly total for Illinois since RealtyTrac began issuing its report in January 2005. The state’s f...
Provisions of the new tax credit include: • Extends the $8,000 first-time Homebuyers Tax Credit and creates a new $6,500 tax credit forother qualifying buyers.• Homebuyers with building contracts as of April 30 qualify for the credit so long as they closethe transaction by July 1.• Available to h...