mount attitash: SNOW GOLF TOURNAMENT... March 21, 2009, Attitash, New Hampshire - 03/18/09 08:54 AM
Snow Golf, you ask? Yes, golfing in the snow. According to Wikipedia, ‘Rudyard Kipling, living in Vermont in the 1890's, invented the game of snow golf.'  It's a game that requires regulation snowgolf balls (able to be found in the snow... Kipling painted his red), costumes, ONE club (can be altered to enhance play) and a Team Bartender.
 photo by Leo Resig
One might find die-hard Golfers playing on ice covered ponds (with tennis balls), but here in Attitash, New Hampshire (, golf is played off a snow-capped mountain. Check out this YouTube video taken last year and uploaded from attitashman … (2 comments)