
Here’s what goes through the minds of most investors when they read about the stellar returns advertised by mutual funds: “I owned that fund, and I didn’t get anywhere near those returns.”One article estimated investors end up with less than 20 percent of the annual returns of the mutual funds th...
When determining how much to spend on a home, your bank may have a different idea about your budget than you. A mortgage lender might approve you for one amount, based on a conventional debt-to-income ratio, while you'll get more money if you go for an FHA loan with higher DTI limits or for an FH...
This holiday, the only turkey you encounter should be on your plate, covered in cranberry sauce. Tax expert Eva Rosenberg has heard plenty of bogus tax advice over the years, and she shares which "tax turkeys" to avoid this season. Her advice? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Here...
What factors do you consider when making investments? Retirement and investing expert Dan Solin says most people have their eyes on the wrong ball: they try to time the market, pick the "right" stocks, and choose "hot" fund managers. There is no data indicating anyone can engage in these activiti...
Everyone wants to know what direction the economy will take, and there are many factors that are pieces of the puzzle. You could look at student loans, home equity lines of credit, and auto loans, but one of the most important indicators of the economy's health is the credit market. Fortunately, ...
Lenders are beefing up their lending standards, meaning that if you have outstanding debt, you may have to pay that off before getting a mortgage. What it boils down to is this: if you can afford to pay cash for a home, a mortgage lender will undoubtedly approve you for a loan. But if you can't a...
Buying life insurance can be intimidating, because it forces you to face some tough realities when you would rather be thinking, “It won’t happen to me. Unfortunately, death and injury happen, and when they do, it’s a tragedy. When a family has to deal with an emotional trauma like the death of a...
CredAbility, one of the leading nonprofit credit counseling and education agencies in the United States, today re leased the CredAbility Consumer Distress Index results for the 2010 third quarter. The Index, a quarterly measure that tracks the financial condition of the average U.S. household, f...
Someone just won $30 million in the California SuperLotto Plus. It wasn’t me. Hey, we can all dream, right?Playing the lottery isn’t the only way to try your luck and make it big these days. With the proliferation of game shows, reality shows, Internet games, and sweepstakes, you might be closer ...
A new blog from my web producer just went up about her experience with real estate agents when trying to rent an apartment. She thinks you need one, but it might be hard finding the right one and gives the rundown of three agents she worked with and has named: Real estate agent #1: The No-Show Re...