free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 03/01/11 11:59 AM
"As government increases in quantity, our lives decrease in quality."
                                                      Joel Miller
This is something that everyone knows who has had to deal with the gubment for any reason.  The bureaucracies increase in number, with its offices and officers.  The rules and regs necessarily have to increase in number and get more complex with detail.  Paperwork and personal responsibility has to increase in difficulty and time requirement as we are all burdened by more and more gubment demands.
Of course our lives decrease in quality!
Every time the gubment imposes anything, it does nothing but make life harder.
One of … (17 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 02/21/11 10:51 PM
"There is no question that if one were to ask whether we Americans are moving towards more liberty or more government control over our lives, the answer would unambiguously be the latter -- more government control over our lives.  We might have reached a point where the trend is irreversible and that is a true tragedy for if liberty is lost in America, it will be lost for all times and all places."
                                                             Walter E. Williams
If it is gone here, where would it resurrect?  Resurrection means bringing back what was before, and in a better state!  … (28 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 02/15/11 02:21 AM
"The underlying source of the West’s ability to attract the lightning of economic revolutions was a unique use of experiment in technology and organization to harness resources to the satisfaction of human wants. The key elements of the system where the wide diffusion of the authority and resources necessary to experiment; an absence of more than rudimentary political and religious restrictions on experiment; and incentives which combined ample rewards for success, defined as the widespread economic use of the results of experiment, with a risk of severe penalties for failing to experiment. The thematic terms are thus autonomy, experiment, and diversity*."

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 02/08/11 01:21 AM
"Whether ancient or modern, monarch or republic, coin or paper, each nation descends pretty much the same slippery slope, expanding government to address perceived needs, accumulating too much debt, and then repudiating its obligations by destroying its currency."
                                                         James Turk and John Rubino
If you study economic history, this lesson is repetitive and redundant.  Currencies are slowly devalued and then destroyed.
The result?  Economic stagnation, hyper-inflation (as too many dollars go about chasing too few goods and services produced), unemployment and high interest rates.
Why is this lesson never learned? 
Are we smarter, better educated, more informed or simply more … (24 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 01/31/11 09:25 PM
"You can travel from one end of the industrialized world to the other and almost the only people you will find engaging in backbreaking toil are people who are doing it for sport.  To find people whose day's toil has not been lightened by mechanical invention, you must go to the non-capitalist world."
                                         Milton Friedman
When many people throw around the word "capitalism," they do so probably not understanding what the word means in an economic sense.
It does NOT mean money, or the accumulation thereof.
Capital is something that improves productivity.  Productivity is defined as output/man hour.
If my … (25 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 01/24/11 09:22 PM
"Socialism has been a great tragedy this century."
                                                                 Robert Heilbroner
The American economist Heilbroner was a committed socialist and OFTEN brought up by liberals as the "voice of economic reason" whenever anyone needed a good socialist sound bite or article written.
Most famous for his 1953 book, The Worldly Philosphers, which I studied in my Economic Thought class in college, he compares and unabashedly makes equals Adam Smith, Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes.
They are NOT equals.
However, over the decades he became increasingly aware that socialist thought creates no wealth, produces little and deprives the good life from … (14 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 01/17/11 09:18 PM
"Inflation comes about because our politicians and bankers create billions of new paper dollars out of nowhere.  It is, in essence, the same thing as counterfeiting, which if done by a private citizen would result in a jail sentence."
                                                                     Nelson Hultberg
Inflation happens because of gubment policy.  Inflation happens because of intentional gubment policy.  Inflation is a disease. Inflation destroys societies.
We should avoid inflation like a bad disease.  There is only one cure for the disease of inflation - reduce total spending and the rate at which spending is growing.
Why is … (15 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 01/11/11 09:15 AM

"There are always two kinds of people in the world - those who pioneer and those who plod.  The plodders always attack the pioneers.  They say that the pioneers have gobbled up all the opportunity, when, as a plain matter of fact, the plodders would have nowhere to plod had not the pioneers first cleared the way."
                                                                                Henry Ford
Why do plodders plod?  Because they don't pioneer!  Plodders are victims.  Plodders think themselves entitled to other's gain.  Plodders are blamers.   Plodders are whiners.  Plodders take and don't give.  Plodders destroy and do not create.  Plodders get no where fast.  … (18 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 01/04/11 12:39 AM
"Though the people support the government, the government should not support the people."                        Grover Cleveland
Cleveland is the only president to serve two nonconsecutive terms.  He was of the wing of the Democrat Party called classical liberals, with the word "liberal" meaning nothing like it does today.  A classical liberal favors liberty as it relates to individualism, small gubment, free trade, free market economics and a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Known for his honesty, those beliefs got him into trouble and he lost his first bid at re-election.  Cleveland used the veto pen more than any president prior to that … (26 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 12/27/10 11:12 PM

"Government control gives rise to fraud, suppression of Truth, intensification of the black market and artificial scarcity.  Above all, it unmans the people and deprives them of initiative, it undoes the teaching of self help."
And he would know.  He watched his country dip and dip into super gubment.  Currently the second largest employer in the world, behind the Chinese army, is the Indian railroad.  And it does SUCH a good job!
And our country, since the Great Depression, has been led by people who preach and foment victimhood and the great spirit of "can't do."  And because … (29 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 12/21/10 01:12 PM
"The necessity for struggle is one of the clever devices through which nature forces individuals to expand, develop, progress, and become strong through resistance ... We are forced to recognize that this great universal necessity for struggle must have a definite and useful purpose.  That purpose is to force the individual to sharpen his wits, arouse his enthusiasm, build up his spirit of faith, gain definiteness of purpose, develop his power of will, and inspire his faculty of imagination to give him new uses for old ideas and concepts..."
                                              Napoleon Hill
For those of you who have never heard of … (20 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 12/13/10 11:48 PM
"There is only one way to kill capitalism -- by taxes, taxes and more taxes."                              Karl Marx
Prior to Marx and his tome The Communist Manifesto, socialism and communism had not been codified.
He and his partner, Friedrich Engels, collaborated, lived very well, and did not practice what they preached.  Of course not.  Marx's family lived like paupers though, even to the point of starving.  He practiced his doctrine on them.
He fancied himself an economist.  I have read almost everything Marx wrote, which is substantial, and he didn't get it.  No economist he.  But he did get capitalism, and … (32 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 12/06/10 09:09 PM
"When you subsidize poverty and failure you get more of both."
                                                   James Dale Davidson
Well, that's right out of the Econ 101 textbook!
If you want more of something, subsidize it.
If you want less of something, tax it.
It doesn't get much more simple than that. 
Now, Oxford defines "subsidy" four ways, one of which being "a grant or contribution of money." 
I noticed that our wise gubment "leaders" are going to "extend" the Bush era "tax cuts" (A TOTAL MISNOMER AS THEY ARE NOT CUTS AT ALL BUT MERELY REDUCTIONS IN THE … (39 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 11/30/10 12:06 AM

"Capitalism is the belief that nobody is wise enough and knows enough to control the lives of other people.  When each person buys, sells, consumes, produces, saves and spends at will, 'the miracle of the market' enables everyone to benefit."
                                                      Perry Gresham
So then why would people want to order things to restrict a market's ability to benefit everyone?  Why are there people who DO THINK they can do better for us than we can do for ourselves?  The answer:   control.
Of course, in order to so structure society, they must create offices and officers, … (16 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 11/22/10 10:18 PM
"Capitalism is based on self interest and self esteem, it holds integrity and trustworthiness as cardinal virtues, not vices.  It is this superlative moral system that the welfare statists propose to improve upon by means of preventative law, snooping bureaucrats and the chronic goad of fear."
                                                      Alan Greenspan
And "statists" are everywhere in our current gubment today!  They who propose their soft tyranny in the form of crushing bureaucracy, regulation, licensure, control and power over the individual are everywhere in our current gubment, from the top down.
Capitalism, better said, free-market economics, cannot thrive in such an environment.  Innovation is … (20 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 11/15/10 10:53 PM

"I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no interferes with any other men's rights."
                                                         Abraham Lincoln
I hear the word "right" from people who probably can't even define it.  "I have the right" to do this or that. So much of what I hear is claptrap.
In this country, we believe our rights to be endowments from God, and unalienable, which means that they can't be separated and we can't pick and choose which to protect and not to.  It … (12 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 11/08/10 08:35 PM

"Under capitalism everybody provides for their own needs by serving others."                                 Ludwig von Mises
Ever consider that? That as business people we are in the business of serving others? That is the very essence of capitalism, and a definition you will never hear from those who deride it.
Capitalism is not a system of thievery, control, or monopolistic competition. It is a system where we serve our own interests by better serving the needs of other people.
That is why Adam Smith, in "The Wealth of Nations," could confidently state that the butcher, … (27 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 11/01/10 11:08 PM

There is no more appropriate idea that flows from the free-thinking, economic mind of Milton Friedman then the idea that there is no free lunch.
If you think somebody else is responsible to buy your food for you, vote Dem.  You can apply this in any of the various contexts floating around today - you name it, housing, "health" care, banking, auto production, unlimited spending, borrowing from three generations hence, your Hover 'Round, pharmaceuticals - and it goes on, you name it.  If you think these things are all … (25 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 10/26/10 12:35 AM
"Individuality is the aim of political liberty.  By leaving the citizen as much freedom of action and of being as comports with order and the rights of others, the institutions render him truly a freeman.  He is left to pursue his means of happiness in his own manner."
                                                  James Fenimore Cooper
One of the most important values that built this country is rugged individualism.  This is something that is almost forgotten in today's entitlement society, where "gubment" (read that some other hard-working citizen) is expected to take care of another's individual needs.  This entitlement is viewed by some as a … (15 comments)

free enterprise: Jay's Tuesday Free Enterprise Quote - 10/12/10 10:33 AM

"Recipients of transfers tend to become less self-reliant and more dependent on government payments.  When people can get support without exercising their own abilities to discover and respond to opportunities for earning income, those abilities atrophy.  People forget - or never learn in the first place - how to help themselves, and eventually some of them simply accept their helplessness."          Robert Higgs
Necessarily, when any gubment moves to "redistribute wealth," it must take that wealth from someone who earned it and give it to someone who did not.  In fact, there are those who feel entitled to other people's labor … (8 comments)

Jay Markanich, Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia (Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC)

Jay Markanich

Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia

Bristow, VA

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