occularpation: Naked Occularpation in front of Wall St. Manhattan Apts: Monday 8/1/2011 @ 7 am - 07/31/11 09:48 AM
Join us for Naked Occularpation in front of Wall St. Manhattan Apts:  Monday 8/1/2011 @ 7 am
This interactive performance art is to protest the veil of secrecy of the financial institutions on Wall St.  It is a 5 minute naked performance of people and jobs that make up the Wall St. demographic.
There are 12 zones across the entire Wall St from Broadway to the FDR Drive.
I will be in zone 1 & 2 which is the busiest and closest to the NY Stock Exchange and Trinity Church.  I hope to see you all there!
I will be posting … (10 comments)