investments: Real Estate Will Always Be A Great Investment - 01/05/11 04:20 AM
        Real Estate will always be a great investment. The market will change but long term you will be happy you are a homeowner.
        Compare it to gold which you hear so much about.  The value of gold over the last thirty years has not even kept up with inflation.  On the other hand if you purchased a home 30 years ago you would have about a 250% gain even with the drop in values that we had.  You also were able to live in the house and take advantage of all the tax deductions as well.

investments: Home Ownership - The Best Investment You Can Make - 03/30/09 03:05 AM
During these challenging times people just don't know where to put their money. The stock market looks pretty scary these days and you just don't know where some banks are heading. Real estate still is and will always be your best investment. If you plan on living in the property than its a simple decision. Go buy your dream home and sit tight and enjoy some nice returns down the road.

investments: Waterfront Properties in Boca Raton - 10/30/08 09:25 PM
A good safe investment right now would be to buy a luxury waterfront property that you can get at a really great price and there are some out there.  These properties are always in demand and you know they will certainly appreciate down the road because of the limited amount available at any given time . Good deals on these aren't easy to find but if you keep your eyes open you will come across one from time to time.

investments: Boca Raton Real Estate - 10/28/08 07:31 AM
In my opinion Boca Raton real estate is still the best investment you can make.  Though things are tough right now think about all the times you bought real estate, held it and than sold.  Yes, you do have to hold it and its not liquid but especially if you are living in the property I'll take it over the stock market any day of the week.
As the market cycle progresses I expect many of the people who were in stocks to jump back into the real estate market.