belleville real estate: The TSC Store in Belleville - 02/20/13 01:42 AM
I like to go shopping once in a while, especially hardware shopping. Even if I don't really need anything, I'll quite often stop at the TSC store in Belleville if I happen to be passing by. The TSC Stores are a chain, and they bill themselves as The incredible Country Hardware Store, and they are that indeed.
If you live in a larger urban centre, chances are you wouldn't come across a TSC store, the closest one to Toronto is in Uxbridge. They specialize in products for farmers, hunters and country people.
The TSC store in Belleville is the only place … (10 comments)

belleville real estate: Convenience and Charm, Downtown Belleville - 12/20/12 12:54 AM
Upscale Condominium, Downtown Belleville … (10 comments)

belleville real estate: Canadian Real Estate People - Increase Your Net Presence - 09/04/11 12:23 PM
Every blogger knows the importance of being visible on the internet. This is why most of us blog in the first place.
One of the reasons why we blog regularly is to provide links to our websites. Links are a very important part of our SEO (Search Engine Optimization - as if you didn't already know that) strategy. One of the criteria that the search engines use to determine which sites are going to rate highly is to check the number of inbound links to the site.
Sites with a large number of inbound links are considered "authority" sites, and as … (13 comments)

belleville real estate: Belleville Power-of-Sale Property - 09/04/10 10:32 AM

belleville real estate: Grand Old Victorian Home in Belleville, $178,500 - 08/08/10 08:51 AM