bethesda: Wordless Wednesday - 03/09/11 02:07 PM
Wordless Wednesday
I got a new i-phone 4 a week or two ago.  Not by choice, really, but because I wanted to join the rest of the family on their Verizon plan.  It's saving me a bundle.  It's not so different from the i-phone 3 except in one department... the camera.  WOW.  These photos rival my hand held camera... and that's saying a lot.  Happy spring, everyone. 


bethesda: Live Near Bethesda Metro - 03/06/11 08:44 AM
Original Post: Walk to Bethesda Metro
Just about everyone I know wants to live near Bethesda Metro. And it's no surprise. Traffic these days is stupefying. And it's only going to get worse.  Walter Reed is joining forces wtih the National Naval Medical Center at the corner of Jones Bridge and Wisconsin Avenues, adding 2,500 extra employees to an area full of congested roadways.  Sheesh.  Assuming you commute by train, living anywhere along the Red Line can save you time and frustration. There are several lovely neighborhoods near Bethesda Metro, all varying in price and amenities.
Downtown Bethesda has really transformed … (2 comments)

bethesda: Early Morning Exercise- Bethesda Style - 09/17/10 05:02 AM
Original Source:  East Bethesda Morning Exercise

I’m one of those on again, off again kind of exercisers.  The type that gets side-railed at the simplest excuse – though it’s usually vacations that do me in. Anyway, I’m happy to say that I’m back at it. I’ve recently re-joined Fitness Corps, a group that meets in my neighborhood of East Bethesda (and others) for early morning workouts.  The good thing about getting it over with in the a.m., according to my wise friend Jen, is because it’s like money in the bank.  It allows you to get on with the rest of … (6 comments)

bethesda: Bethesda History- Madonna of the Trail - 01/27/10 09:13 AM
Madonna of the Trail
Did you know that our local Madonna of the Trail/Pioneer Mother monument is one of twelve identical statues throughout the US?  The idea behind the monuments can be traced back to a group of Missouri Women, who in 1912 were behind a resolution to Congress giving a formal name to the series of trails used by pioneers as they traveled West.  It was named "National Old Trails Road."  At the urging of then Judge Harry Truman, twelve statues at a cost of $1,000 each were placed in each of the twelve states along the trail. 
In 1927 … (6 comments)