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"Thank God that's not MY problem," is often one's reaction upon hearing that someone in the neighborhood has been foreclosed.  Please take this to heart:  as a homeowner, it really IS your problem.  Foreclosures are an equal opportunity occurance.  They don't just happen in middle and lower middl...
For more than a year and a half now, I've passed this roadside memorial on my way home.  Until last night, I had never stopped.  Then I did, and when I searched Google for the name on the memorial, I realized that I had met young Elisa Gastellum.  I've had the privelege of hearing her sing. Share...
So you had a bad day?  That's what I read this morning when I checked in on Adam Waldmans blog.  (Real all the way to the end. This has a good ending!) You bet I had a bad day yesterday!  My client, after months of looking, found the perfect home for herself, her dog and her horse.  The listing a...
Two UP arrows.  Five DOWN arrows.  That's the Tucson Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service sales snapshot for the month of November, 2007. Quick glance?  "Boo!  Hiss!  See?  I told you the sky was falling!"  But that's not the real picture at all. First:  Look at the UP arrows.  The av...
The house desperately needed staging, but the seller had no money to pay a stager.  What furniture there was is best described as non-descript.  The inexpensive sofa had a tear at the bottom corner.  The glass top on the dining area table accentuated the really dark floor.  A curtain in the bathr...
Close to IBM, Raytheon, and Davis Monthan Air Force Base, this home was built new in 2006.  It's half a mile from the elementary and middle schools, and within sight of the Pima Air and Space Museum, which is half a mile to the north.  At only $139.59 per square foot, it's a great value.  It can ...
As the year comes to a close, I'm particularly grateful for Active Rain, and the part it's played in developing my business this year.  But it's not Active Rain, it's you, and others just like you from Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and every one of the lower 48 states who have made 2007 such a pivotal y...
Okay, Tucson isn't one of these.  Housing prices are up in 70 major markets in China, but it could have financial implications for the United States, our mortgage funding availabilty, and our interest rates!  While we're trying to figure out how to get things going again in the US, China is tryin...
Blogging on Active Rain has transformed me.  It's transformed the way I view my business.  It's transformed the way my clients perceive me.  And it's made my phone ring.  I guess you could say I've become an AR Evangelist.  (That word is based on the word "gospel," which means "good news.") Toda...
On my way home last night, I came across these 80 feathered clowns, just waiting to make a mess. The irony of the situation made me pull into a business across the street, get out the old camera, and walk into the intersection to take the photo. Pigeon poop at a high end carwash. Couldn't they pi...

Mike Jones

Mike Jones NMLS 223495
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