Nicole Ocean's Blog

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Real Estate Technology - BPO Automation Group & BPO University



 I have been asked this controversial question many times in the last few years by my past customers. When asked this I somehow have absolutely no problem answering them without having any reservation. I might surprise some of you here by being point blank and straight to the point. Plus, you sho...
In the not too distant past, I too have been guilty of using multiple assistants to help me with my BPO orders. My BPO team consisted of this: two people to help me do the data entry side of the BPO orders, with one of my teammates helping by taking photos in a nearby county which was about 30 mi...
When I stop to think about all of the orders I have done over the last few years (the numbers being in over 1,000) many times come to mind about being asked to do some pretty crazy things. The one that sticks in my mind the most is this one......... When I was asked by LSI/Fidelity to do a BPO or...
Then, you've come to right place! I have been asked by one of my BPO Training Students recently, "Which BPO and REO companies pay the fastest?" Here is the list I gave him specially for BPO companies that pay consistently within 7 days: 1. Advanced Collateral Solutions (ACS, through Rels) 2. Rels...
Just Released on November 10, 2008! Pick Up Your Copy of this "Must-Have," eBook on How to Automate Your BPO Orders! It's Official!I am very proud to announce to you that,"All You Ever Wanted to Know About Automating Your BPO Orders," is now available to purchase!The cost of the eBook is ONLY $4...
I Might Get In Trouble For Posting This, But Am Willing to Take the Risk! I have been putting off writing this blog for a few months because I wanted to be better prepared and to learn as much as I could about an extremely tight lipped tool that helps BPO and REO Agents fully automate doing the d...
I Might Get In Trouble For Posting This, But Am Willing to Take the Risk! I have been putting off writing this blog for a few months because I wanted to be better prepared and to learn as much as I could about an extremely tight lipped tool that helps BPO and REO Agents fully automate doing the d...