Jim Kimmons's (realestateguide) Blog

Education & Training - 15067
Tips and commentary on using the Internet and technology tools to manage and market a real estate business.



There are stages that buyers and sellers go through before they're ready to buy or list real estate.  Knowing that these stages exist is part of the puzzle.  However, knowing what to make available to them and when they're likely to want it could just help you to identify the very best leads for ...
I don't know if you've even looked at Google+ yet, as it's still not even a year old.  However, in that year the user base grew to more than 100 million.  Google+ reached 10 million users in just 16 days as invitation only.  It took both Twitter and Facebook more than 2 years to reach that level....
I'm not going to be mean to somebody here or talk bad about anyone.  I'm talking about me!  I tell this to real estate professionals all of the time ... I'm the worst at what most people find works for them in their real estate business. No, I don't wear a suit, and I don't sleep in my car, but I...

Jim Kimmons

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Tips and commentary on using the Internet and technology tools to manage and market a real estate business.