Home, Auto, & Life Insurance in North Carolina

Services for Real Estate Pros - Auto & Home & Life Insurance throughout North Carolina



This song ran through my skull. Have you noticed the barren landscape around you?  Tumbleweeds roll across the office floor like another mortgage application that will never see the light of closure.  In April of 2006, our small firm here in Allentown had 19 folks working for the cause: that of m...
In the spirit of times when policy reaches out to the public, where politics try to give hope and transformation to its people, there lies a very important aspect that not many at any convention you are watching or studying... truly understands.  It deals with our homes, our land, and part of the...
If you are in the Real Estate Business, I don't care how long you've been at the trade... you probably haven't seen everything.  Real Estate is like life in that facet. The title of this post seems to be my new catchphrase.  A gal (customer) today asked me if I was frustrated with what was going ...
How fast your loan closes is often up to you.I tell folks two things these days and both can result in great opportunity. There is an abundance of inventory (houses) in most markets and the money (interest rates) is still cheap. That said, Lenders & Banks are combing through files with a fine too...
... I made a mortgage loan to the brother of a guy I knew in passing.  The brother was in a bind of sorts, though he had a ton of equity, never payed his mortgage late once in his existent, yet worked at a Pizza Shop.  He couldn't quite prove all of his income.  Ya know, the under the table stuff...
I'm depressed.  That's how life starts out or ends up with some folks.  The medium (that of relative happiness) is often less traveled, you'll find that the case with most things in life.  I need this, don't have that, been screwed there, and generally want to end my existence for a happier form ...
Under much scrutiny and acute observation, the Mortgage Industry faces times that our economy is currently ill-prepared for.  It has for some time.  I recall stating six months ago in a post, that around this time we'd be feeling the brunt of the burden being lifted off our shoulders.  I was wron...

Jason Sardi

Your Agent for Life
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