Teresa 's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Boardman Realty
The lowest rated blog in Minnesota, but read by many
Zillow is the web site with a huge percentage of our homes on it.  They have information about the homes and of course the Zestimate of value.  Now Zillow has added some features where the general public can talk about your home.  It used to be that the neighbors would talk but mostly behind the...
This cracks me up!  Wanted to do a Friday fun post about it on St. Paul re blog, which is my good blog, but decided that it works on my bad blog just as well.  Welcome to Friday on the weenie! There are some Google ads on the right side bar of my good blog, the one with the pictures and real esta...
Let me tell you a secret.  When it comes to figuring out what works with a blog and what does not, I am just guessing.  I have ideas, I experiment and tweak and then measure results.  Some times I take the advice of experts and other times I ignore them.  Lets face it no one really has the secret...
Take a look at Downtown St. Paul's newest condo development.  Construction on the 48 loft style units at Farmers Market Flats starts June 0f 2007, with anticipated move in dates in the fall of 2008.  Located on the corner of 5th and Wall, just West from the downtown farmers market in the histori...
In most cases buyers do not pay a buyers agent a commission.  The seller pays the commission and the buyers agent receives a portion of it as payment for his or her work.  Here in Minnesota, real estate commissions are always negotiable.  Most local real estate companies charge some kind of a bro...
I found this comment on my real estate blog yesterday:"As a first time home buyer looking at St. Paul, this site has been immensely helpful. Thank you so much for bringing all of this information into a single, organized site."comment located at: Nieghborhood Housing PricesThere is no greater com...
                                                                                         Last week I launched the St. Paul neighborhood wiki.  Very much a work in progess, lets call it beta. The idea came from my buyers who are relocating.  Our fair city has 17 districts and 127 neighborhoods, an...
History: Constructed: 1914 -1917Listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975 The Central Library is Italian Renaissance revival in style The exterior of the Library is of Tennessee marble, while the interior is finished in gray Mankato stone. Blue Rutland and golden vein Formosa...
We are not ready to introduce the apprentice yet but there is an apprentice.  A very special person I recently met who has a passion for real estate, writing, photography and is eager to be an apprentice.   Creative and smart, you will be seeing more of her soon.   If you have not heard about pro...
Have you ever noticed how much real estate agents like to put their faces on things like signs, business cards, cars, bus benches, refrigerator magnets, calendars, letter openers, buses, bill boards, web sites, coffee mugs and many other items?   What's up with the face thing anyway?  I have not ...

Teresa Boardman

local_phone(651) 401-5658
smartphone(651) 216-4603
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Real estate weenie