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San Antonio, Texas Housing Market Analysis

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HUD USER has posted a Comprehensive Housing Market
Analysis (CHMA) report for the San Antonio, Texas area.
This eight-county housing market area is located in south
central Texas and includes the city of San Antonio, which
attracts an average of 26 million tourists annually.
Compiled by field economists in HUD's Office of Policy
Development and Research, the report presents data that
are useful in foreseeing changes in the demand for new
housing. The analysis describes the economic,
demographic, and housing inventory characteristics of
the San Antonio housing market area from 1990 to 2000,
from 2000 through September 2008, and projects
anticipated market activity during the period of October
1, 2008 to October 1, 2011. This is valuable information
for builders, mortgage lenders, borrowers, local
planners, and others who need to keep up with area
housing conditions and trends.
Interested readers can access the San Antonio analysis,
along with previous CHMA reports examining housing market
areas across the nation
at www.huduser.org/publications/econdev/mkt_analysis.html.
All HUD USER CHMA reports are available as free downloads.

By: www.realestatelatino.com