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Thoughts from Mexico

Real Estate Agent with Chad Kumpe Real Estate

A couple of weeks ago, Wendy and I got to go to Cancun, Mexico; not to lie on the beach, but to give away Wheelchairs for Rotary and The Wheelchair Foundation.  I was impressed by the extent to which the area had gone in order to reduce their energy use in the hotels and commercial buildings. Everywhere the lighting was fluorescent. In the hotel, all of the lights were compact fluorescents and the power turned off when you left the room.

It occurred to me that in that area of Mexico, they were far ahead of us in Arkansas in the "Green Revolution."

While we were gone, tax day and the "Tea Parties" happened as well as Earth Day. From the pictures I saw in the papers, the participants in the Tea Parties were a whole generation apart from the participants in Earth Day. It seemed the older generation (Boomers and Silents) were complaining because the Federal Government deficit was so high that it will be passed on to the next generation and beyond. The people involved in Earth Day were calling for Greener Earth, a reduction in greenhouse gasses and reducing the depletion of our natural recourses.

The newspapers also reported that eleven of eleven "Land Farmers" were polluting central Arkansas streams and the water table with the waste water and chemicals left over from drilling for gas in the Fayetteville Shale.  What a contrast - the older generation worried about the national debt which is only money and the younger generation worried about the health of planet earth and its air, water, and recourses.  I kind of think I am on the younger generation's team.  I hope we in Arkansas can become Greener and continue the good life for our children and grandchildren. Air and water are critically important.  We can always print more money.