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Nothing to say? | Get Your Message Together First

Services for Real Estate Pros with MOVE UP in Google Search Learn How Here

If you get satellite radio, you'll have heard the Chet Holmes ad that discusses how few people consider how they want to appear in the eyes of their clients. This is absolutely true when it comes to websites. With a few exceptions I get clients that want a certain "look" but have given so little thought to what their message is that they can't

  1. Give me enough content to create and populate even one blog.
  2. Give me enough content to complete their website. 
  3. Give me enough content to even give their website the minimum content for a decent ranking in the SERPs.
This should be approached the other way. Like "wax on, wax off" folks should start a few blogs and learn to deal with writing or hire someone to write for them until they have it mastered. You can do far better with one Wordpress blog, well written, optimized for search and frequently updated than with half dozen fancy expensive websites.

Orange County Web Design, my latest SEO target.
OC Web Design, a companion SEO target.
Temecula Web Design, a well established target.

Google juice for a few chosen ones goes to Jason Watson and Temecula Bank Owned homes.

So when you figure out what you want your clients to hear, start telling them. The details will fall into place.
