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When in the course of human events.... JULY 4th, 2009 Happy 4th Everyone!!!

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4th of July Picutre

I wanted to take this opportunity to pause and reflect as our nation celebrates its 233rd Birthday.

I hope everyone who lives in this country understands and realizes how lucky we all are to live in the freeest land on the face of this little blue planet.

Never has a country existed on the earth which has accomplished as much as we have in a relative short time.

We came for the original 13 colonies of approximately 7 to 10 million citzens to a nation in 2009 of over 300 million.

Our founding fathers were some of the greatest minds of any age who had the courage, understanding of history and desire to build a new nation free and different from anything that had every been tried before and did everything they could to get the nation off on the right path and on a course to sustainability. On this day we should take the opportunity to remember and thank our Father in Heaven for blessing these men with the great gift of foresight and courage to build an American Nation.Founding Fathers Picture

We have helped citzens of many nations of this world in their times of need. It was the US with our allies that rebuilt western Europe and Japan after WWII. Germany, Japan and Italy where our enemies and we came to their aid and helped them rebuild. Japan become one of our major trading partners and has become an economice super power it is own right.

The improvements in the standard of living that much of the world enjoys has been in many respects because of the ingenuity of many citzens of the United States of America, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Washington Carver, Henry Ford, and Benjamin Franklin just to name a few.

We went from the concept presented by Pres. Kennedy in 1960 to the moon in 1969. We have expanded our understanding of the universe that we are a part of with the Hubble and Spizter space telescopes.

Ronald Reagan brought us the concepts of peace through strength and economic prosperity which started this nation on a 20 plus year run of prosperity which has neverbeen seen before.

I have listed just a few of the many wonders and blessings that our nation has brought to the world. We should always leave the world better than we found it and for 233 years we have as a people have tried to do just that.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA and everyone have a GREAT 4th of JULY.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!4th of July Flag