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Getting Started with Heliconia

Real Estate Agent with Clark Realty Corp. Orchid Isle Office

In Hawaii, most Heliconia species and hybrids are relatively easy to grow. These are tropical plants and most species prefer temperatures above 55F. Elevations below 2,000 ft. in Hawaii are optimum.  For those of us with mostly lava rock instead of soil, Heliconia are a good choice if you provide mulch several times per year and a location sheltered from wind.  The large leaves will often shred in windy conditions.  H. griggsiana, latispatha, orthotricha,  and caribaea are tough plants and good for beginners. Helcionia magnifica is stunning but needs a sheltered location with partial shade.   H. psitticorum is a small species reaching 3 or 4 ft. tall which is widely planted. However,  I find that it is a bit invasive; it can cover a large area quickly. Most other species form clumps that spread slowly and can easily be contained in 1 spot.  Once established, occasional fertilizer or a bit of mulch is all that is needed.  If you are located on the mainland, some species can be grown in southern California and Florida.  Most areas on the mainland will require a greenhouse or sun room to grow these striking tropicals. The 1st photo below is Heliconia magnifica which has a pendant inflorescence about 4 ft. long.  The 2nd photo is H. griggsiana which has a pendant inflorescence about 2 to 3 ft. long.

Heliconia magnifica Heliconia griggsiana