Special offer

Osprey, FL absorption rate

Real Estate Agent with Green Lion Realty

# of listings in Osprey= 170 active listings
# of listings sold from June-16-July 16: 16
# of listings sold from May 16-June 16: 10
# of listings sold from Apr 16-May 16: 13
# of listings sold from Mar 16-Apr 16: 7
# of listings sold from Feb 16-Mar 16: 12
# of listings sold from Jan 16-Feb 16: 11
69 homes sold in the last six months in Osprey. Average number of homes sold per month over the last 6 months in Osprey: 12 homes
#sold (12 homes) X 12 (months) = 144
divide 144 by 52 weeks= 2.8 units per week
If 2.8 units sell each week divide that number into the number of active listings 2.8 divided by 144 = 52 weeks of inventory or a years worth of inventory in Osprey.