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Real Estate Agent with Booker Realty

October posted a negative -18% in listing production for the month of October. This follows a-17% in listing production in the month of September. As bad as this looks it will help correct the overall reduction in sales per month. Thus, keeping the listings to sales ratio relatively at  the same spread so we might be able to stay in a prosperity market ( where there as many homes for sale as there are buyers for those homes ) which  will help ward off a buyers market. As much as this consistant lose of listings for September and October looks scary it really only amounts to a -7% listing reduction year over year. Because this trend will continue for the rest of the year we will see about a -10% year to year reduction of both listings and sales. This prediction is contrary to this weeks newspaper report which predicts a stronger 2010 market. Although, we will have a relatively good 2010 market I don't see anything strong enough happening in our economy to change my belief that our average dollar production will coninue to decline -10% for 2010. Well, actually this is not so bad as we are riding a boom market this last 10 years so even if we go down 10% in volume we will still be doing just fine.

Sales for October are pleasantly pleasing as they are up 14% over last October. Wow, who would have ever believed that? Our unit sales however are down -3% over last October. Again this is still good in a recessionary market, don't you think? Our year over year production to October is at +2% over last year. Every indication is that November and December should produce about the same. We will see!

To help keep things in perspective lets look at the dollar volume over the last three years. In 2007 October produced $28,829,665, 2008 produced 20,551,809 ( a 29% reduction ), 2009 October produced a 23,399,643 ( a 19% reduction over 2007 ). So you can see that our sales are gradually decreasing from the boom year of 2007. I believe that this trend will continue over the next 5 years where we will probably level out at $20,000,000 months for October.

Well, Folks, you can see we are pleasantly pleased with our year to year volume. The market is still very active and it looks like this trend will continue throughout the rest of the year. There are still  some great buys out there so Buyers take note and buy a home for a Christmas present this year. You will be glad you did!!! Interest rates are still at an all time low @ 3.99% as I write this today. Talk to you next month.