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Montgomery Foreclosure Trends - Sept 2009

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Sandra Nickel REALTORS

There are 1,081 Montgomery foreclosure homes for sale with 67 new foreclosures in September 2009, down from the June 2009 high of 242 new foreclosed homes. The average selling price of a Montgomery home is $180,122 and the average foreclosure selling price is $111,614, a $68,679 savings, according to RealtyTrac.com.

Montgomery Foreclosure Activity and Home Price Index

 montgomery foreclosure

Montgomery foreclosure activity is based on the total number of properties that receive foreclosure filings - default notice, foreclosure auction notice or repossession notice - each month. Home price appreciation is based on month-over-month percentage change of the Home Price Index. The Home Price Index is calculated from home sales records.

Montgomery Foreclosure Geographical Comparison

Montgomery foreclosure activity is lower 0.20% lower than national statistics and 0.04% lower than Alabama statistics.

montgomery foreclosure

Montgomery Foreclosure Activity by Month

The number of Bank-Owned properties increased in from 37 in August to 60 in September. the number of Auctions decreased from 91 to 7. The 6-month trend is a drop in Montgomery foreclosures.

montgomery foreclosure

Are you or someone you know behind on your mortgage payments and facing a Montgomery foreclosure? You do have options. A short sale may be the answer to saving you, your family and your home. Give me a call for a private consultation.

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