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3 Quick Tips to Believing In Yourself – Utilizing the Fabulous Wonder of Positive Self Talk

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Ok, so you see the title of the article ‘fabulous wonders of positive self talk’.  Blah blah blah.  And you’re saying to yourself ‘is this another crappy rah rah article?’ All that I’m going to say is that I was once told that “you can’t push people to the top without getting closer to the top yourself”.  I remember when I would just sit in my own lonesome and wonder what’s holding me back?  Why is it that Joe Blow down the street is moving to the elite subdivision and I’m stuck here barely getting by?   I know I had potential, I would read all the books, yet here I was; feeling stagnant and living a life of endless worry.  Let me ask you are you truly living your life to your ultimate potential?  I would be willing to bet that you’re not or you would not have clicked on this article heading!  Don’t worry you’re not alone!  And I would like to give you some quick tips that you can utilize immediately!

1.        Remember Your Brain Loves Repetition

You are a champion! You are a champion!, You are a champion! my coach used to yell to me on a daily basis.  I used to roll my eyes and say ‘yeah coach, whatever’.  He would pull me aside and say ‘Fergy, I see your potential is unlimited, but I don’t think you do, so I’m going to remind you until you believe!’  He would tell me that the words you say to yourself are the most important words you will ever say.  It’s funny I never became a champion, not due to potential, but due to the fact that I was fighting with authority (my coach or parents) who were trying to instill in my brain the positive repetition of greatness.  I have come to find that reading positive affirmations to myself daily has actually etched into my brain the belief that anything that I believe in WILL happen.


2.        Lie to Yourself

My mentor Sam told this to me 9 years ago and I was in total disbelief.  Here I am a twenty-something just getting started in business and all I could think about was being totally honest and never to burn a bridge.  Sam looked at my reaction and chuckled.  He explained that my conscious mind knows the difference between right and wrong but your unconscious mind only does what it’s told.  He would further educate me that if you told yourself something (whether it’s true or not) enough times your unconscious mind starts to believe and think that it is so. 


3.        Ask Powerful Questions

We have all been told that Death and Taxes we are told are the only things in life you can count on.  But I’m here to tell you that there is a third and it’s the answers that you give to questions we ask ourselves.  If you really think about it, everything we do is answering a question.  From ‘where am I going to eat?’ to ‘should I study?’  What will really unleash your belief in yourself will be upgrading the questions you ask yourself. Seriously, take a close look at where you are at in your life and then ask yourself if you are asking yourself powerful enough questions!


To take your life to the next level the top three tactics do work.  Positive Self Talk is simple to learn and can be fun when the right imagination is added.
