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Avon, Indiana real estate / Top Agent Chris Castetter

Real Estate Agent with F.C. Tucker Company sp39400951

Since I strive to be a seller specialist in my market area, statistics of home buyers are very important to me and my clients. If you are a seller, then consider this useful information when choosing an agent to work for you...

In 2009, where did buyers find the home that they purchased?

Real estate agent       37%

Internet                     36%

Yard sign                   12%

Friend/neighbor          6%

Builder/ Agent            5%

Newspaper                 2%

Knew the seller           2%

Open House               0%

TV show                     0%

As part of my marketing strategy, I am spending time and money on the above resources that WORK! The resources that actually bring buyers to homes.

Source: Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers 2009 - NAR

Considering selling your property, contact a top real esatate agent. Chris Castetter, F.C. Tucker Co.  chris@thecastettergroup.com or 317-414-1117. Avon Indiana real estate

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