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Add Photos To Your Blog Like A Ninja! A video Tutorial.

Reblogger Darrell Backen
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Original content by Tom Lyons

Pale Ninja, Shadow Wizard Creative Commons License photo credit: Orin Zebest

I know ninja getting over used!

So I'm going to start using Olympian! In honor of the Olympics of course.

Add pictures to your blog(Wordpress) like an Olympian!

See, better already.

Today we have a new video for you. It's going to cover, umm, adding pictures to your blog in an easy way! As you know or not, blogs are much more interesting when you add pictures. Everything is more interesting with a picture. Cake is good example, birthday cake is always better because they put pictures or cartoons or fancy writing on them. I think I made my point.

I need to do a shout out to Mike Mueller, Mike gave me the idea for the video, thanks Mike! Mike makes awesome custom Facebook Fan Pages.

Here's the video Enjoy!!