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Whittier Heights Seattle Washington Real Estate

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Whittier Heights Seattle Real Estate

There are 1773 homes in Whittier Heights Seattle. The average year these homes were built is 1932. The average size of a Whittier Heights home is 1994 square feet with three bedrooms and one bathroom. There are 836 homes in Whittier Heights that are single-story, 758 homes that are one and a half stories, 148 two-story homes, and 26 Whittier Heights homes that are two and a half stories or taller.

There are 1537 homes in Whittier Heights Seattle that have basements. The average size of these basements is 888 square feet. There are 157 homes in Whittier Heights that have garages.

The average length of ownership of a home in Whittier Heights is 8.1 years. There are 657 homes in Whittier Heights that have been owned for five years or less. There are 378 homes that have been owned between five and ten years and 522 homes that have been owned for more than ten years. The average property taxes for a home in Whittier Heights are $3,371.

There are 1523 homes in Whittier Heights Seattle that are owner occupied and 250 homes that are non-owner occupied.

So far in 2007 there have been 38 homes sold in Whittier Heights Seattle. The average selling price of these homes is $532,615. The lowest selling price is $270,000. The highest selling price was $985,000. The average selling price per square foot is $251.

In 2006 there were 123 homes sold in Whittier Heights Seattle. This was a 7% turnover rate for the neighborhood. The average selling price of a Whittier Heights home in 2006 was $488,029. The lowest selling price was $327,000. The highest selling price was $899,000.

In 2005 there were 113 homes sold in Whittier Heights Seattle. The average selling price was $416,758. The lowest selling price was $205,000. The highest selling price was $753,300.

During the last 12-months there were 69 Whittier Heights Seattle homes sold for an average of $465,807. This selling price was 154% of the assessed value. During the same 12-month period there were 42 homes sold for an average of $512,212. This selling price was 142% of the assessed value.

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Dick Todhunter
Sound Realty Northwest - Renton, WA
That is truly an amazing understanding of neighborhoods, information and awesome photo journalism.  You have got to be the man!

Keep up the good work.  I look forward to seeing future video tours and Seattle neighborhoods.  Can you also begin to add neighborhoods, like Bellevue, Renton, Kent, Kenmore, Federal Way, Des Moines, Tukwila, Burien, etc.?   I'm sure your information on those areas would be appreciated!


Sep 08, 2007 01:51 PM