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Now what? for foreclosures in Palm Beach County?

Real Estate Agent with Paradise Properties of Florida, Inc.

Now what?  for foreclosures in Palm Beach County?

Do we now have a moratorium on foreclosures in Palm Beach County?  Or not?

If so, will somebody PLEASE TELL Judge Sasser.  It seems the Palm Beach County Foreclosure Judge is so intent on 'clearing the dockets' she may not stop or be stoppable.   Foreclosures here 'have taken on a life of their own.

The lender says, "don't foreclose".  The attorney for the lender has instructed, "don't foreclose".  But there they are daily.  Properties up for auction.  AND they are auctioned off...even some of the properties WHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, CLOSED, AND THE DEED HAS BEEN ISSUED.  YES.  I've seen 2 of these in the last 2 weeks.




Can anybody, LOCAL, and IN THE KNOW shed some light on this and tell us, NOW WHAT FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY FORECLOSURES?

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Marsha Montoya Mayer
Paradise Properties of Florida, Inc. - Palm Beach, FL


Modification is not the answer if the owner does not want to retain the property.

Oct 05, 2010 04:28 AM