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NJEA Out of Control - We need a solution !

Real Estate Agent with Diane Turton Realtors 0017668

Are you telling me you can not see that the NJEA is out of control? On top of 591 districts that each have a superintendent. We have teachers, department heads and administrators who do not belong in the positions they hold. We need a new start. We need a new structure and we need wise up. It's about our kids, taxes and using some common sense.

Let's say for the sake of argument we took these two ideas and implemented them immediately. Establish new job descriptions for superintendents. All must have a Financial Background making for better allocations and less dependence on taxpayers. If superintendents concentrated on how they could subsidize by investing in income producing projects the burden would be less. 2nd they travel covering a wider demographic area. Do we really need 591 school districts in New Jersey? NJ only has 8,722 square miles can't superintendents cover a little more ground by combining districts resulting in saving millions every year. There are more than 3800 administrators, principals’ department heads, managers and superintendents in NJ. http://php.app.com/appendixc/

TENURE... Are they kidding me? There are teachers that need to be fired NOW. To demean a student, to put a student down is cause for termination, PERIOD.  A teachers job is to educate , to inspire , to guide students in making the right decisions for their future. Yes, some students need more support then others, but it's a teachers job to know which one's they are and make that extra effort to create a frame of mind within them to want to succeed. Teaching is not just about teaching a student how to add 1+1. It’s about creating an environment where a student yearns to learn. There are many teachers who do care, I had a handful myself but there are many who could care less. They want to put there 20 years in then retire with a cushy pension and benefit package. The sad part is you have young teachers who truly do care but cant get a job because of tenured teachers who hide behind the system.

If you cause your student more harm then good, mentally, physically or emotionally YOU need to GO! Tenure or no tenure. One comment from a teacher can push a kid over the edge. Teachers spend more time with our kids then ever before in history it's time to realize how much of an impact they have in shaping their futures. If a teacher cant stand the heat then he or she needs to get out of the kitchen. We all have problems but when dealing with the impressionable young there has to be a standard, tenure or no tenure!!!!!

Watching this video makes me sick and I am sure that every parent who watches it will feel the same. SPEAK UP PARENTS. YOU PAY THEIR SALERIES. DEMAND THE BEST !!! New Jersey pays more taxes then the rest of the country so, should'nt you get what your paying for?

NJEA Response articles



Still, pretty scary even if there were actors involved. The union needs to use common sense when it comes to our kids. Since kids are really what it's all about, right?

 Dawn Marie White, Broker Sales Manager, Crossroads Realty Inc, www.njwaterfront.com
