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Jackson Place Seattle Washington Real Estate

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Jackson Place Seattle Condos

There are 1071 condos in Jackson Place Seattle. The average condo in Jackson Place Seattle was built in 1979. The average size of these condos is 1092 square feet with two bedrooms and one bathroom. All condos in Jackson Place Seattle are located in buildings two stories or taller.

The average length of ownership for a Jackson Place Seattle condo is 7.4 years. There are 463 condos that have been owned for five years or less, 217 condos have been owned between five and ten years, and 287 condos have been owned for ten years or more.

There are 504 owner-occupied condos in Jackson Place Seattle and 567 condos that are non-owner occupied.

So far in 2007 there have been 58 condos sold in Jackson Place Seattle. The average selling price is $384,895. The lowest selling price is $189,000. The highest selling price is $2,200,000. The average price per square foot is $520.

In 2006, there were 50 condos sold. The average selling price was $439,288. The lowest selling price was $172,000. The highest selling price was $1,180,000. The average price per square foot was $460.

For 2005, there were 66 condos sold In Jackson Place Seattle. This was a 6% turnover rate for the neighborhood. The average selling prie was $465,722. The lowest selling price was $119,000. The highest selling price was $4,050,000.

During the past 12 months, there have been 105 Jackson Place Seattle condos sold. The average selling price was $341,138. This selling price was an average of 776% of the assessed value. During the same 12-month period, one condo was sold for $2,200,000. This selling price was 168% of the assessed value.

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