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Counteracting Being Young Or Younger Than The Norm

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When we started our real estate agency, I was the youngest licensed managing director in Tasmanian history. 

1.    The best way to counteract youth is with knowledge.  If you’re younger I believe you do have something to prove.  You have to demonstrate that you’re as qualified, if not more so, than the next “older” person and the best way to do that is to be as knowledgeable as you possibly can be in your field. 

2.    Counteract youth with enthusiasm.  I’ve always found in my career that there will be some people who just “want to give the new person a chance”.  Your enthusiasm and obvious youth will draw these people to you.  This works equally well for a new (young) business.

3.    Service sells.  Whether clients mentioned it or not, I always knew that it was noticeable that I was particularly young to be doing my job.  I still get asked for ID sometimes and I’m 27!  As a counter measure I made sure my levels of service weren’t just “good” – I wanted to blow the socks off these people so that when they were talking to friends and family they couldn’t help but mention that amazing “young” person who they’d just dealt with.

4.    Tenacity trumps youth.  If you can’t instantly be recognised as the most qualified because of your age, then earn that status by being doggedly determined.  Never give up. 

5.    Don’t hide your youth.  I dressed professionally – but never tried to dress like my grandma – it just wouldn’t have been credible.  I always spoke in a professional manner, but still made sure I used the same words I would use with my friends.  Pretending to be something you’re not, never works well.  Be yourself (and remember, sell yourself!)

6.    Youthfulness is attractive.  I found I attracted clients who themselves were young, as well as a whole bunch of clients who liked dealing with someone young!  It’s a win/win if you look at it from a positive perspective. 

Excerpt from Retired at 27, If I can do it anyone can by Kirsty Dunphey. Order online at www.unleashedknowledge.com and see Kirsty’s website www.kirstydunphey.com to sign up for her free newsletter.