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HouseFront changes name to MoonFront

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In the light of recent news stories HouseFront is looking towards the future in anticipation of upcoming events and changing its name to MoonFront.

Google recently announced a contest in conjunction with the X-Prize foundation, which in 2004 paid out a prize of $10 million for the first private manned space flight. Google is offering $20 million to the first team to get a rover to the moon and send back high definition images, $5 million to the second place team and another $5 million in bonuses upon completion of a variety of tasks. The contest deadline is 2012, where after the prize is reduced to $15 million and extended for another 2 years, 2014. After 2014, the contest is over with no more chances to win the money.

YouNeverCall logo

Playing off Google’s contest announcement is a company called YouNeverCall (an online cell phone store). They are offering up $10,000 for the first person or device to make a call from the Moon’s surface. The company requires the call to be made from a commercially available cell phone and be received at the company’s corporate headquarters in California. As with Google’s contest there is also lesser prizes to be won, a text message sent from the Moon to a cell phone in their corporate offices will garner a prize of $500. Lastly, for the fun of it, if a call is received on the Moon and plays the ringer tone “Crazy Frog” the company will dish out $100 (even though there is no air in space, so you wouldn’t even be able to hear it). YouNeverCall has the contest scheduled to end on Wednesday, January 7th, 2015.

MoonFront is in the process of working on our own competition, where as the first person or device on the lunar surface to send a valid Moon address to HOUSE (46873) will receive a prize (which at the moment is undecided; maybe a brand new HouseMoonFront tee-shirt or a congratulations from our CEO with a trophy). Contest specifics are still being worked out, but as our contest seems to be more difficult than others we are willing to extend our contest through Tuesday May 20th, 2025 at 10:42 AM. If no prize is claimed by said ending date then the prize will be diminished to an email thanking you for your time, anytime thereafter.

For further information on MoonFront or our contest leave a comment below and we’ll get right back to you.

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