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Getting to the root of your Mold Exposure Symptoms (part 1)

Home Inspector with WWW.ExecutiveRestoration.Com

In my previous post on health symptoms of mold exposure, I presented to you the array of physicial and mental symptoms one may experience from an acute and or chronic mold exposure environment.   Have any of you been exposed to Mold?  I am sure, we all have we all have but have we been exposed to Mold that is elevated.   Have any of you ever had your home or place of work sampled with Air Sampling or Swab Sampling or Lift Off Sampling and had the samples sent off to an accredited lab, for testing?

Do we take our breathing for granted?  Perhaps, you are one of the ones, who never think about your breathing but you just breathe because it just comes natural to you just like our heart beating?

Western medicine, while it does advocate immediate mold remediation as the first step to improving one's health, often times then prescribes pharmaceuticals medications.  For example, one may be given a decongestant to unplug the sinuses, an expectorant to loosen up congestion in the lungs, an antibiotic to eradicate any spores which may have been inhaled into the respiratory track and are causing irritation, and/or a broncchial dilator to open the air passages and improve breathing ease.  Phew, that's quite a lot of stuff, not to mention the cost at the pharmacy!  Do any of you know the difference between western and oriential medicine?  Are you open to try new things or are you stuck on only taking or using a pill or western type medicine or drugs?  I am open minded to trying new things and I wish others would think out side the box and try things until he or she finds some thing that works for him or her.   Are drugs meant to be a band aid on the issue or are drugs meant to cure the issue?  You will have to decide this question for yourself.

Western pharmaceuticals most often times do get the desired alleviation of symptoms, but also carry with them the potential for undesirable or unintended side effects. How many of you have ever taken any kind of drug and seen the side effects of the drug you were taking?  Have you ever noticed this?  Taking drugs, come with side effects and though they may take care of one issue, they may also come with various side effects.  Check with your health care professional,  before you take any drugs and find out the health effects of the drug, before you start to take one.  What is the real difference between western and oriential  fixes for issues,  that we might have? In acute situations, I would not worry too much about the latter, everyone wants to be able to breathe, right?  How many of us take our breathing for granted unless we are having difficulty breathing?  It's not a fun feeling not to be able to breathe,  all that well.  Have you ever thought about having to breathe or does it just come naturally?   How many of you know of others who have breathing issues or that are on a CPAP machine,  to be able to breathe at night?  How many of you are aware of others who are on day time breathing machines?  Many people take there breathing for granted until they start to develop or have breathing issues.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses acupuncture, herbal medicine, body work, nutrition and energy excercises called Qi Gong which is pronounced "chee gung" to get to the basis of the disease process that is triggered in a person who is experiencing illness.  It does so,  from a holistic point of view, that life/health in balance is a healthy system.  An off-kilter balance is disease manifestation, that darn cold or the itchy skin or the wheezing , or god forbid, some thing more serious like chronic fatigue or even Cancer.  Pharmaceuticals treat only the symptoms (TCM calls that "branch" of an illness), but not the reason for a person's particular susceptibility/sensitivity and degree of reaction to a "pathogen" called root of an illness.  Have any of you heard of this?  How many people have even been exposed to oriential medicine?  Have you also heard of getting out in the Sun and getting vitamin D or how about going to the sauna and sweating things out?  

Based on what is called ones constitution and particular types, development and sequences of complaints a person has. TCM will be able to dewcipher where in a person's physiology their health balance has been lost.  The treatment will then be built on first eradicating the really irritating and immediate symptoms  (branch) and supporting the person's innate health (root), bring ones system into balance once again.  There is certainly more to medicine than drugs that many people take and consume.  Be open to other treatments.  Be open to change.  When, I used to live in Indonesia and South Korea, I was influenced by oriental medicine and different things besides the drugs that most of us are used to in the United States.

How many of you have ever heard of other treatments, such as the above?

Are you taking medication for allergies?  Remember, that taking any medication can have side effects so check with your health care professional before taking any and getting there opinion.

The above photo is of a Rose in my front yard.  

Thank you,

David Snell


Executive Restoration

Got Mold?  We Have The Cure!
