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The Power of the Trend

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On occasion, we saunter through the internet looking for trending topics. Sometimes we find good material to write about or to link back to. But what interests us the most are the members of the trending topic lists. Some days the list is pathetically concentrated with Hollywood actors and things that don’t necessarily deserve our attention. And on other days the trends become quite interesting. Today’s list was a mixed bag, with one exception – well, two to be precise.

Below is the top ten list from www.trendingtopics.org:

Bret Michaels


Stephen Hawking

Guru (rapper)

Glee (TV series)

Kick-Ass (film)

Reactive oxygen species

Boeing X-37

Jack Kevorkian

Nick Clegg


We found very little interest until we noticed Reactive oxygen species, so we looked it up. To sum up the reactive oxygen species interest, we classify it into the anti-ageing group alongside the heart attack and stroke group. Maybe some researchers were reading up on it but doubtful given that the terms received over 379,000 views.

So . . . what does that tell you about our society? To us it tells us a lot, but then we look at these lists all the time. If you get into the habit of looking at these lists they become a modern form of a sociology tool. You can’t help but begin to form opinions about society in general – right or wrong. The opinions that you or we draw may be useful in social cocktail hour conversations or essays for the times you can’t think of what to write about. But if you think for a while about why 379,000 plus people are viewing this topic, you may just be able to use it to your advantage in business.

We won’t give the entire store away on this one cause sometimes we like to get our readers to think. So suffice to say that this article is one way! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.


