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Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.

Mortgage and Lending with Finance of America MLS 6621

Help I've fallen and I can't get up.


From time to time we all fall and need help getting up; fall into a figurative ditch that ifall downs. Sometimes it feels like an abyss more so than a ditch. Sometimes if feels like you've been in the ditch for days, weeks or months and sometimes you actually are in that ditch for months that. I don't know if it has ever happened to you, but it has definitely happened to me on more than one occasion.


So what to do? How do you get yourself out of that slump?  How do you put your mind back on track? Do you go shopping and get yourself something special? Do you take a vacation to clear your mind out? Do you talk to a friend about it? Do you seek out professional help? Do you look in the mirror and have a good long talk with yourself? Do you hit the gym especially hard? Do you change the type of music you listen to? Do you go to your house of worship and have a heart to heart with your maker?


I don't know what works for you. To be honest I don't even know what works for me. What I do know is you need to change your routine. Throw your mind off center and change things up a bit. Now don't go doing something stupid, illegal or destructive, but do something. If you know what gets you out of the ditch do it and if you know how to keep yourself out of it   keep doing it. Ditches usually have quicksand in them and if you don't do something pretty quick, it's very likely you'll drown in it.


I'm curious to know what works for you?