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Government and bureaucratic control or private competition…words to consider:

Maybe Roger W. Babson says it best:

“Does anyone believe for one moment that the progress we have made would have been possible under bureaucratic control of any government.  This country was founded upon the principle of the regulation of private effort, of making rules for the game, and under that system alone can we look for the same success in the future which has been ours in the past.  Our position today is the direct result of the free play among our people of private competitive effort.”


Competition is, after all, the act of competing: rivalry.

Everyone – let’s get back into competition and bring back that which makes us great!


To again quote Mr. Babson:

 "I more and more see the need both of courage to stand fast and the willingness to change. Even though these two characteristics seem contrary and paradoxical, a successful life demands a proper mixture of them both. One is the lock and the other is the key; either without the other becomes useless."

                          -Roger Babson, "Before Making Important Decisions"


 Roger W. Babson



Roger Ward Babson (1875-1967) achieved many successes in his lifetime. His personal and professional accomplishments as entrepreneur, educator, and philanthropist demonstrate the merits of his particular formula for success: the combination of tradition and innovation.

Click here to learn more about Roger Ward Babson and Babson College.
