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Salt Lake City Infrared Home Inspections Continue to Pay For Themselves

Home Inspector with UTAH INFRARED Home and Building Inspections

Salt Lake City Infrared Home Inspections Continue to Pay For Themselves

I'm glad to say that the cost of all five Infrared home inspections that I preformed last week were re-gained by the home buyer. Infrared home inspections can identify many things that simply can't be detected by a normal home inspection. The concerns that were identifed in all of last weeks inspections were defects that couldn't be detected by the naked eye. Each defect were things the current home owner agreed to repair before the sale therefore saving the home buyer from inheriting the problem.

The average infrared home inspection runs about $350. Rarely ever does an infrared inspection fail to reveal far more than it's cost in hidden defects. Infrared technolgy is the most essential and benefitial tool that has ever been used during a home inspection. Thermal Imaging has proven to offer over a 4/1 return on investment when used during home and building inspections.

If your home inspector isn't using Infrared Technology than your home inspector isn't providing you with the quality of home inspection you deserve. 

Homes are to expensive to take chances with. It's essential to know as much as possible about a property before the purchase.


No moisture could be identified without the use of thermal imaging. The moisture intrusion was beneath the carpet and showed no visual evidence. LUCKILY THEY HAD AN INFRARED HOME INSPECTION!

Utah Infrared detects moisture with thermal imaging during home inspection Utah Infrared detects moisture with thermal imagi

Utah Infrared detects moisture with thermal imagi Utah Infrared detects moisture with thermal imagi


A significant moisture intrusion was detected above the bed in the master bedroom. The current home owners didn't even have a clue but they agreed to repair the problem after seeing the thermal images. Luckily the buyers had an Infrared Home Inspection!

Utah Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection


Moisture was detected within the ceiling and walls where the wrap around deck attaches to the home. The above deck wasn't properly sealed to the home. Had this problem not been detected during the infrared home inspection, moisture stains and moisture damage would have soon followed. Luckily they had an infrared home inspection!

Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection



An infrared pattern showed up soon after running the above shower. A leaky shower pan was instantly detected by infrared and yet didn't show any other indications. Luckily the buyer had an infrared inspection!

Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection


This Infrared pattern in the garage quickly gave away the plumbing leak from the above kitchen plumbing. Hopefully you get the point! Infrared Inspections are ESSENTIAL!

Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection Infrared detects moisture during a home inspection


Why would you take the risk of not having an Infrared Home Inspection?