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Real Estate Agents, Keep Engaging Over the Summer!

Real Estate Agent with Castelazo Marketing Ltd.

Real estate sales tend to drop off during the summer.  In Phoenix, where Castelazo Marketing Ltd. is based, that's because it's simply too darn hot to do much besides sit in the pool.  But even other places, real estate sales slow as kids are out of school, families get busy with vacations, and - yes - the beach beckons.

That doesn't mean your real estate marketing activities should drop off, too.  In fact, summer is a great time to do a mid-year review of what's been working (and not working) in your marketing plan, and make the tweaks necessary to hit the ground running when the real estate market picks up in the fall.  (We'll do a free, no-obligation mid-year review of your marketing plan - click here to set it up.)

Plus, if you keep at it now, while others are on vacation, you can be that agent who stands out from the crowd (and wins). All four of the marketing strategies we describe below are excellent ways to stay engaged over the summer.

Social media marketing for real estate agents
In social marketing, the more content (blog text, videos, photos, comments) you push out to the world - the more you engage with other people - the more leads you'll generate and clients you'll convert. That being said, keeping your social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Scribd, Flickr, Digg, and OnlyWire updated frequently and consistently (including during the summer!) will help give you the best results - more leads.

Blogging for realtors
The benefits of a well-written, well-managed blog that is integrated into your online and offline marketing activities are three-fold:

  1. Blogging allows you to share valuable information with others (positioning yourself as the real estate expert)
  2. Blogging, if you do it right, will drive traffic to your website
  3. Blogging also can boost your search engine ranking (which means people searching online for, say, "Phoenix real estate agent" are more likely to find you

Real estate direct marketing
Direct marketing - whether print letters and postcards or email marketing - is a great way for real estate agents to establish themselves as the expert for their prospects and clients and stay in contact with those clients, prospects, and sphere of influence.  Why is that important?  Here's why:

  • Only 2% of sales are made on the first contact
  • Only 3% of sales are made on the second contact
  • A mere 5% of sales are made on the third contact
  • Just 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact
  • An amazing 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact

So reaching out and touching your prospects - with a letter, a postcard, or an e-mail - will help you close the deal if you reach out and touch them often.  Even if it's summertime!

Integrated marketing
The key to success in real estate marketing really is engaging all of the tools at your disposal - Facebook, Twitter, real-estate specific social networks, your website and blog, YouTube, etc.  And, even more than engaging all of those tools, integrated marketing requires using each one to its own advantage.  So Facebook and Twitter are great for meeting people where they're at; real estate-specific social networks are good for expanding your referral base; YouTube is a great way to engage on a more personal level with clients and prospects; and your website and blog are your home base.

But the real gold lies in putting all of those pieces together - so that connections on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and your social networks flow into your real estate website and blog, where you can turn those connections into hot leads (and then into clients).

All four of these different marketing strategies are excellent ways to stay engaged over the summer and is a great reminder of how effective each strategy can be to any agents business.  So if a vacation is in yours summer plans, be sure to still market and be the agent who stands out!  
During the summertime, or anytime, we can help you develop and manage marketing strategies that will generate more leads, convert more clients, and keep more referrals.  Give us a call to find out how.

Learn More/Get in Touch
Website: www.CMRealEstateMarketing.com
E-mail: molly@cmrealestatemarketing.com
Telephone: 480-987-7958