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More Rio Rancho Real Estate News

Real Estate Agent NM 44744

A few more things going on in Rio Rancho. 

There's ground broken at the entrance to Northern Meadows for a much needed Elementary School.  This just started so we don't expect to see a structure for a while.  We also heard a Walgreen's is scheduled to be built at the NE corner of Unser & Northern. 

At the planning and zoning meeting last night Oct 30th they were working on approval for two Specific Area Master Plans.  One is along Northern between Idalia & 40th and the other is in Unit 12 between North Hills and Northern Meadows on the west side of Unser. (See my past post for more info in these plans) Both of these projects were tabled as the commissioners and a few land owners had a few things they'd like to see differently.  They will be on the next meeting agenda for possible approval.  Both plans look promising and continue to move Rio Rancho forward and move away from some of the antiquated platting.
