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The Importance of Preparation!

Services for Real Estate Pros with Home Loan Search Online


PreparationPreparation is a crucial element to success in all your endeavors, be it preparing for an important meeting or an upcoming summer vacation. AsZig Ziglar once said, “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” Ronald Shapiro, author of the New York Times bestseller, Dare to Prepare: How to Win Before You Begin, suggests these great steps you can use to prepare for anything:


What is your objective? Determine where you want to end up before you get started, and make sure you don’t just pick the easiest or most obvious result. Make sure your objective ties into your short- and long-term goals.


Are there precedents? Look for people who have both failed and succeeded in similar situations and see what and how you can learn from their experiences. If possible, contact them and see if you can set up an informational interview or lunch to learn more details.


Are there any other scenarios? If you only prepare for your intended outcome, then you won’t have a position to fall back on. Determine if there is more than one scenario that you should plan for, or if you should walk away if your intended outcome does not arise.


What’s important to other people? Where possible, ask the other people who are involved about their concerns. This keeps you from assuming you know what matters most to everyone.


What’s your time frame? Break down your overall project into small goals and set deadlines for each element, so you stay on track while you go. For instance, if you are planning a trip, timeline everything from booking your airfare to making reservations for places to see while you’re away.


Can anyone help? If you have people who can help you, ask them to do so! Not only will this make things more manageable, others can also help you see objections or problems that you wouldn’t otherwise notice.


What do you want to say? If you’re preparing for an important meeting or have an important request like asking for a raise or a bargain deal from a salesman, practice first! Outline your main points, create a script, and practice until the words feel normal.


If you or anyone you know needs help preparing for homeownership, do not hesitate to give me a call.