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Loyalty Building Within A Content Network: Finding The Right Range Of Loyal Visitors

Services for Real Estate Pros with Vidlisting.com

The Cornerstones of Loyalty Building

If we had only known how important the question that we asked in January 2007 would be, "what type of repeat visitors to our site should we be focusing on?". We decided that a rather fuzzily defined group known as "prospective buyers" should be the focus of our loyalty building work because they really are the catalyst for driving more sales of services.

"Build it and they will come" might be right approach when you don't care exactly who arrives. Than again, buiding a successful general network might be the most difficult type of project - gaining consent across well defined groups is often far easier than across a wide swath of visitors. But if loyalty with specific types of groups or categories of users is a key success factor in your content distribution network or loyalty driven social network than there is a lot more work to do than just building a site and throwing open the doors. For instance, if you have a real estate video content distribution network, are you trying to build a loyal network of videographers, a loyal network of prospective buyers, or both? Both types of visitors will be seeking different things for loyalty generation on a given site.

See the rest of this blog post over on our daily real estate video blog.


See Also:

Measuring Online User Loyalty And Interest Using Hard Data From Your Website Statistics
Posting Volume And Loyalty As Factors In Social Networking’s Hub And Spoke Distribution Model
Social Networks Vs Content Distribution Networks: Using Ideas and Content As Currency
Extending The Concept Of Distribution “Hubs And Spokes” To Include Value Measurements