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Communicate rather than Selling......

Education & Training with SendOutCards-Appreciation Marketing Expert


Like with most of my posts, I’d like you to take a step back and think as a consumer for a bit....

…Imagine you’re browsing Facebook on your own personal time, you’re not looking for a property, but you see that your local real estate agent is constantly posting his/her listings.  In fact, their entire Facebook Fan Page (or even worse, their personal page) is comprised of only their listings!!!  How likely would it be for you to stay as a “fan” of that agent?  Would that help them establish a personal connection with you?

Well, the fact of the matter is that some people take the Facebook terminology too literally and think that the “Wall” is something that they should throw all their business at to see what sticks.  People often forget the meaning of the first word in “social media.”  The whole point of social media isn’t to shout your listings at the top of your lungs and see who hears…there’s too much other “noise” happening on the internet (and social media) that you won’t be heard.  How do you get yourself heard at a loud concert, movie, or sporting event?  By having a one-on-one conversation and actually communicating with them!

How could you do business more productively? Like this?

Or like this?

“Okay, I got the point…but how do I do it?”

A complicated question with a simple answer: comment, like, or share as much as humanly possible!  In this age of new media, grassroots (from the ground, upwards) efforts are key.  For any independent businessperson who wants to get the word out about their business and make a personal connection with more people, impersonal advertisements are less effective than ever.    Therefore, try to connect with your past, present, and future clients on the most personal level possible – Facebook!   Unlike in the “BF” era (Before Facebook), when you actually had to put in exorbitant amounts of effort in calling, mailing, or even emailing people to ask them about their lives, Facebook provides a platform where people are telling you without you asking them.  Take advantage of that opportunity.  Then, when they are looking for someone to do business with, they’ll rely on the person who has always been there for them – and thus more forefront on their minds.  When they come to you, you’ll be able to have a much more fulfilling conversation with them…something a little deeper than just business that will make them remember you, refer you, and come back to you in the future!

“…but I don’t have time”

If that’s your excuse, then my challenge to you is to ask yourself how dedicated you are to marketing for your business.  Social media is not supposed to take over your life, but by budgeting some time every day to commenting on your friends’ and fans’ posts, you will easily start getting your name out there more.  Yes, every day you must concentrate on the current deals, but budgeting some time for future deals should also be a necessary part of your day.

Thanks so much for reading, and as always, feel free to share this information with friends, family, clients, and coworkers!

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Jay McHugh,


Speaker and RainMaker


617 699 7442


Follow me on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/jaymchugh