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How Much Time Would This Save You?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Open Your Door™

Many agents send out monthly e-newsletters to their clients and prospects to keep in touch with them on a regular schedule. The newsletters contain items like ways to weatherize their homes, tips on home maintenance, area school news, real estate trends in the area and more. The articles are great information for you clients, but they don't always offer a way to contact the companies or associations for more information and assistance, so you or your clients spend hours online researching where to go to find to obtain that assistance.

That's where Open Your Door™ Reference Guides can help you, saving you time while presenting you as the areaSaving time and money expert. The guides contain the information and direct - verified links - to these places and people.  The guide can point to what utility company they may want to speak with to find out the best ways to weatherize and save on their bills, to how to contact their schools for updated information or their government representatives for further guidance. 

All this information and more is tabbed very neatly in Open Your Door™ Reference Guides so it is all at your fingertips taking you seconds to look it up and deliver it to your clients!

You can even customize the guides to give the client their own copy, making it look like you put all the work into the guide, just for that client! This also keeps you and your brand in front of that client for years to come. 

So if you want to be the expert in different areas of your town and county, not spending all the hours researching that information yourself, take a look at our guides. See how many questions our guides can answer for you and your clients.  

How much time do you think something like that would actually save you when you are busy and need to be out with buyers and sellers, not sitting at your computer?


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Patricia Cheaure, Open Your DoorPatricia Cheaure', President, Open Your Door™
Realtor's Marketing Tool
Office: 919.346.1217
Toll Free: 855.631.2007