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Are you learning from your setbacks?

Education & Training with Bill Fields Learning Systems

AdversityAs long as you maintain the right attitude and a certain amount of flexibility, you will be able to persist through the ups and downs you face in your day-to-day life. If you're tough and driven and work harder than you ever have before, and keep that "damn the torpedoes" approach and focus on what you need to do, not what's getting in our way.


All of us ought to be able to brace ourselves for the predictable challenges and setbacks that crop up every day.


When adversity hits, as you know it will, deal with it head on. You can't run from it. You can't pretend it doesn't exist. You can't ignore it and simply wait for it to go away.


Accept adversity for what it is, and start finding ways to confront it. Take immediate action. You must find the solution and go after it with all the vigor you can muster. You must reemphasize your plan of attack. You must become even more positive, for one of the natural by-products of any kind of adversity is negativity. It instantly starts to sneak in. The more you allow negative behavior to linger, the longer you can expect to have adversity continue in your life. adversity will usually start to resolve itself when you begin to take action.


You must accept your role in a failure. Only by doing this honestly can you pinpoint why you failed and isolate what you need to work on to avoid in the future.


Be wary of too much change. Stick to your fundamentals, for they are your building blocks, and they become even more essential in times of adversity.


Continue to have faith in your vision. Often it's not the goal that was wrong or misguided, it was the means to that goal. You must be able to separate your vision from the path to that vision.


Thought for today: Recognize the value in yourself and seek out hope not despair.


Hope you have an adversity free day.



Ron Marshall
Marshall Enterprises - Saint Michael, MN
Birdhouse Builder Extraordinaire

And, Bill, I might add to avoid negative input from people and the news as much as possible.  

Jan 19, 2012 11:36 PM