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What's a Homeowner to Do?"

Real Estate Sales Representative with Houlihan Lawrence

Book Review
Title: "What's a Homeowner to Do?"
Author: Stephen Fanuka and Edward Lewine
Publisher: Artisan, 2011; 432 pages; $17.95

Nearly every mother will attest that at some point in her parenting career, often while still pregnant, every worst-case scenario that could ever possibly happen to her progeny (or progeny-to-be) has run through her mind.

Laid-back moms take a deep breath and dismiss such fears as fanciful.

But many others take the Scout-inspired "be prepared" approach, taking serious measures against kidnapping by tagging their kids with GPS-enabled trackers; against school admission drama by sticking their toddlers in enrichment classes ranging from Kinder Kung Fu to Mandarin; and against the ills of being whatever the opposite of well-rounded is (ill-rounded? squared?) by enrolling them in hip-hop dance, golf, Latin and Hebrew school -- all at the same time, all before they reach grade school.