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Listing Advice: Compare/Contrast Your Listing with Others!

Real Estate Agent with Hart Real Estate Solutions RRE-BRO-LIC-24638

Selling your home can begin with a shot in the dark as to find just where in the market your listing fits. It does not need to be that way. Sellers can educate themselves prior to finding an agent so that they can enter the market at a price point that is the ideal balance between competitive and reasonable!

Location, location, location. Location matters and places your listing in an extremely unique bracket. Find other listings that have been in your area in order to see what they are selling or were sold at.

Home Type. Single family, duplex, ect… Home style, home material, size, bedroom-to-bathroom ratio, amenities, updates all play a vital role in finding the proper homes to compare your listing to.

Sale Date. The market changes frequently. Don’t choose a listing that sold two years ago to compare yours to. This will skew the overall current market image too much.

AGENTS. Use them! Agents pay attention to everything above as well as countless other trends that they deal with everyday. Insider insights an agent can provide are priceless.

Finding your listing’s perfect price point can be an informed process, but it is also a guess and check situation. Be ready to make adjustments along the way! Ultimately, your listing is unique and the more informed you are about the market, the more efficiently your agent can work with you to navigate the sale of your listing.

Source: http://buyandsell.houselogic.com/articles/how-use-comparable-sales-price-your-home/?nicmp=hlim&nichn=link&niseg=rc