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My A to Z's of Real Estate Videos

Real Estate Attorney

OK.  I thought I would do something a bit different.  I work with Zipvo.com and as most of my AR friends know, I am a true believer in home walk through videos and I really believe that real estate professionals have to learn to do videos to keep up with the competition.  After reading 26 Ways To Make Money With Video on the DV Show's website, I thought I'd take a stab at my ABC's of real estate video.   

A - Avoid these seven mistakes when buying a camcorder online.  (Advice from The DV Show)

B - Better than just photos.  A video walkthrough can give your potential buyers a much better idea of the layout and feel of the house.

C- Cameras.  Duh.  You obviously need one to take your walk through videos.  There are many choices and plenty of advice online for picking one out.  See 'A' above on the list and camcorder myths exposed.

D - Do it yourself.  You can put a home walk through together yourself.  Although, if you don't feel comfortable doing this, there are plenty of quality professionals willing to help.

E - Each house that you list should have a video included.  It isn't that difficult and your clients will get a leg up on the competition.

F - Free to upload your videos to Zipvo.com.

G - Get started.  You can't get a real estate video walk through uploaded or viewed if you don't try it.  Grab your camera and walk through one of your houses.

H - How to upload you video walkthrough.  Get advice on uploading your videos from your camera, iMovie or Movie Maker.

I - I don't understand why every realtor isn't giving their clients their full efforts to sell their house, including a video walk through.

J - Just do it.  Yes, I know, the slogan that has become cliche.  But it is true.  It is time to start videoing your listings.

K - Keep making videos.  Once you create your first one.... don't stop.  Keep going.  Your clients will appreciate it.

L - Lighting is important.  Make sure you have plenty of it when filming the inside of your houses, however, avoid glare by closing window blinds and filming in the morning or late afternoon.

M - Many realtors realize the potential upside of real estate videos and are taking advantage of the new technology.  They will have a leg up on the competition.

N - No one will see your real estate video if you don't make one.

O - Open house should come to mind when filming the video.  The house should be staged and cleaned as if it were being prepared for an open house.

P - Pan the room slowly.  You want your audience to see the room, not get motion sickness.

Q - Quit complaining about how you don't know technology, you don't know how to do a video, you don't have the time.  You can do it.  You can find help in doing it.

R - Remove clutter from countertops, remove children from the house, remove pets from the house, remove refridgerator clutter, remove piles of stuff from the desk, remove dirty laundry piles, etc before shooting your home walk through video

S - Shoot videos of your listings.  Every one of your listings should have a video and it should be uploaded for the public to find.

T - Technology is now.  Jump on the bandwagon and start videoing those houses.

U - Ups and downs of the market are no excuses for having or not having a video walk through of your listings.

V - Video walk throughs are in the future for real estate professionals and the future is now.  Start videoing those homes.

W - Walk through videos are becoming more and more important as technology continues to improve.  Jump on the bandwagon now and start videoing your homes.

X - Hmmm.... X and videos.  I'm not going there!  Those are NOT the videos we are talking about.  Get your head out of the gutter and move on.

Y - YouTube - We all know of this website.  The place to find funny videos, crazy stunts and sometimes, real estate walk throughs.

Z - Zipvo.com - The first to the market to be able to search real estate video walk throughs by zipcode.  Added exposure and free uploads for realtors.  It is a much better choice than YouTube.


Dan Forbes
Bradenton, FL

Thanks for this great post.  You really put some time into this one.  A-Z covers all the bases (am I mixing metaphors?) (Is metaphors the right word).  You gotta come up with a solid "X" though.  YOu can do it.


Nov 26, 2007 10:16 AM
Iran Watson
Georgia Elite Realty - Marietta, GA
Marietta Real Estate Agent - Photographer
Great post!  Does Zipvo accept .flv files yet?
Nov 27, 2007 12:08 AM
Tucson Real Estate Experts Anne McKechnie
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Tucson, AZ
Previews Property Specialist

Hey Martin,


Great post thanks


Nov 28, 2007 04:55 AM