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Aeration - for Radon in Water Removal

Services for Real Estate Pros with CT Basement Systems Radon Inc.

 Radon in Water

GAC & Aeration are the two prevalent technologies for radon in water removal.  Aeration is recognized as the Best Available Technology (BAT) for this process for a couple of reasons;  There is no collection of radon taking place...therefore, no chance of radioactive buildup or spent media disposal issues as can be the case with neglected GAC systems.  Also, since there is no collection or buildup of radon when using aeration for radon in water removal, there is no chance of gamma ray exposure to the occupants of the home where the unit is located.

 Regardless of manufacturer, aeration systems accomplish radon in water removal by creating enough agitation in the water to cause the radon to offgas from the water.  Once the radon has been released or separated from the water, it is vented to the exterior by means of a two or three inch PVC pipe that runs to the roof line in much the same fashion as a radon in air system exhaust pipe.  The treated water is held in a reservoir under atmospheric pressure until called to use.  Nowadays, most aeration systems incorporate a built in submersible pump in the reservoir, to send water to point of use.  Most of these submersible pumps will improve the water pressure in the home.


Bubble Up Aeration Systems       AiRaider 433


While the basic concept of aeration is simple, aeration systems themselves can be somewhat "involved".  The way the systems are engineered to interact with water well systems & the overflow protection that is built in, greatly contribute to the design complexity.  Make no mistake, while the aeration process is considered the "BAT"...there are things that will eventually go wrong with the systems. 

 To ensure optimal system efficiency & overall performance, any water quality issues should be addressed ahead of the aeration system.  At a minimum, any aeration system should be preceded by a sediment filter.  Issues like iron, manganese, & excessive hardness should be addressed with the appropriate treatment options.  It should be noted that the aeration process will help neutralize acidic water to varying degrees.  This can be a critical factor to consider because it may eliminate a chain reaction in water quality that would require additional equipment.AiRaider 433 with water softener   Bubble Up Jr with UV 

 There are several aeration models available for radon in water removal.  Size of the home, flow rate of the well, untreated radon concentrations, & desired treated radon levels all impact system selection.  As a company, we offer 24 hour "NO WATER" emergency service that gives our customers peace of mind whether it's a problem with their aeration system or their water well pump; we can fix it in a timely manner.  

Certified Radon Mitigator



Evan Keith

Good article.
Let's say a home has an otherwise functioning well which tests (+) for radon @10,000 pCi. The home passed an air quality test for radon.
How low can the radon level get using an aeration system?

Aug 26, 2016 07:02 AM