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What to Expect When it Snows in Kingston Springs, TN.

Services for Real Estate Pros

The Town of Kingston Springs will salt the main streets when it snows. If needed they will start this process as early as 4a.m.

The roads that are generally salted first are:

  • MerryLog Lane
  • West Kingston Springs Road (in front of Lawrence Foods)
  • Luyben Hill (runs past and above the Petro II Truck Stop)

It will still take a couple of hours after the sun comes up for the ice to be melted to a point of being slushy. This does not mean the roads are clear only that they may be more manegable. Please, do not travel in icey road conditions unless it is necessary! If you must go out in these conditions, please use a 4-wheel drive vehicle if you have access to one.

And remember, if the temperature is 17 degrees or greater, the salt will not be as effective. Also, bridges and overpasses are the most dangerous spots for "black ice" when the tempetures are low. These places will freeze even when the roads themselves do not.


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Mary Ellen "Chakwaina" Elmore


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